CHEAPaWAY Self Storage Terms & Conditions.
*** MASTER COPY *** This Website, the information contained in it, the Terms and Conditions and all documents on this Website are Master Copy's over any other Website Information and Social Media Ads or Web Platforms. Printed Document at time of printing are classed as an “Uncontrolled Document” once printed. Pricing, Website Terms and Conditions and Agreement Contract Terms and Conditions can change without notice any time as required and updated with version control.
1) STORAGE FEES: Storage Fees (+ a Bond in rare cases) can be paid in cash, but a credit or debit card is noted and mandatory for the Storage Agreement Paperwork. All payments are charged 4 weekly including CC fees unless prior arrangements is made at booking. The Booking Deposit at booking becomes your first 4 weeks rent when a contract is completed and ends once 14 days notice is given by either party in witting by SMS after the contract end date and the storage medium is exited by the arranged due date and time, clean and undamaged.
2) "STORAGE AGREEMENT" - on the day of "Booking" you will pay "Booking Deposit" before items can be left or unloaded at this facility. Then the "Storage Contract" is signed by you and you will be given a copy of the signed contract including an SMS'ed copy. The "Booking Deposit" then becomes your first months rent. The Storage Agreement paperwork is done by us here at our yard on the day of entering Storage, you can read it or download the agreement to read prior to signing on the day of entry from the download link below.
3) ID - DRIVERS LICENCE and CREDIT (or DEBIT) CARD are mandatory for Storage Agreement and both physical cards and the owners of both cards (or authorised signatory of a business or corporate card) must be present to sign at commencement of entering into a storage agreement. Clear proof of identity and current AUST. Residential address must be established before any Storage arrangement can take place. This is for the safety and security of our staff when you attend our address to Store your equipment and it is also required for ID for the "Storage Agreement Contract". 4) STORER's BOOKING REQUIRMENTS:a) "MINIMUM & MANDATORY" - A “PHYSICAL” (not digital) Drivers License (DL) or Proof of Age Card (POA) and a Credit or Debit Card (CC/DC) are mandatory for the Self Storage Agreement for insurance and contractual reasons, both physical cards and the owners of those DL - POA and CC/DC (or authorised signatory of a business or corporate card) must be physically present to sign the Self Storage Agreement at the booked Self Storage entry Appointment time as agreed. b) The Storer requires clear proof of QLD permanent residency. c) The "Storer", must initiate and finalise the booking themselves as the person storing, they must have their own personal phone number and mobile phone that is capable of sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages to complete our booking process that is done only by sms, and must be contactable during the whole storage period? d) The Storer must be capable of READING and UNDERSTANDING the SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS and their CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS at T&Cs link below, and agrees to obtain PPE before entry and wear as required, including ENCLOSED SHOES or BOOTS and be fully clothed at all times during the storage period, using our facilities, at our yard, this includes helpers / workers? e) Hirer must be able to read and understand English and disseminate contractual information themselves. All learning, comprehension and reading difficulties must be declared at beginning of hire booking? Thankyou. f) To Hire/Drive/Operate our Equipment you must have ZERO ALCOHOL OR ILLEGAL DRUGS in your system that will impede your ability to always operate the equipment safely during the hire. We reserve the right to request "Breath Test or Drug Test" before you take possession of hired Equipment if our staff suspect use. g) Acknowledge that ALL HIRES ARE DONE STRICTLY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY and ALL timings give in sms are APPOINTMENT TIMES you must be capable of meeting! h) Preferred pickup and return timings are between 8am-9am and 4pm-5pm daily. 5) FEES / CHARGES - for current pricing, please call us from "Contacts" page on the menu bar. This website is the master site for costing of fees and charges, other ads prices may differ but this sites costing overrules other ads and sites. Storage Fees and charge can change without notice at any time depending on local competitors storage prices. Credit Card transaction incur a 2.4% credit card fee on the total amount charged. If booking in advance and a Booking Deposit is paid this becomes your Bonds on entry and signing Agreement. The Bonds are refunded only if the Storage takes place on the original date and appointment time of entry or you can move dates with more than 48 hrs notice from original Storage date and time to an available date. If you do not turn up on the original booked date and appointment time or the booking is cancelled, the booking fee minus the original quoted Storage fee is forfeited and the remaining amount will be refunded. The quoted Storage fees forfeited will be used to recoup lost Storage due to your late cancellation fees from clients that were rejected because of your existing booking. Storage fees are not refunded if you willingly exit storage early for whatever reason before end of month or contract term. * Payment by CARD for Storage Fees and or Booking Deposit, then continued 4 weekly is debited from Credit or Debit Card preferred, fees apply. * Storage Fees are paid in advance as a booking deposit (initially 4wks rent in advance).* Access is 8am to 5pm 7 Days in Container Storage. 8am to 5pm weekdays by appointment for Warehouse Storage and Open Area Storage Areas. * Termination of Storage Contract Agreements (23) - If the Storer gives notice, or intent to vacate, or breaches contract and is given termination, all outstanding fees and charges will be required to be paid upfront before access to stored goods will be given. If risk of unauthorised entry and deliberate avoidance of payment is believed by the FO the storage access to goods will be restricted and locked if necessary to avoid default or fee evasions per "Termination" below. * There is no provision for refund for early exit or if you give notice to exit or your contract is terminated by us as discussed at signing of Storage agreement. All containers are leased in by us and if your a week into your 4 weekly payment cycle when you exit you wont receive the remaining 3 weeks refunded as the container lease payment we make to a 3rd party container leasing company are not refunded back to us... 6) *DISCOUNTS = 10% Off* RACQ Members - 10% Off* Defence ADF / Emergency Services. *Off Regular Rates only, not including any other discount or specials. *To receive and be eligible to receive discount, storer must inform staff at beginning of booking process for eligibility check, and at pickup when signing Storage Agreement Contracts, must produce "physical evidence" of a valid Membership or valid Official Government ID Cards. (Emergency Service - QPS, QAS, QFS, RFS, SES) 7) CORRESPONDENCE & COMMUNICATION: - All communication between CHEAPaWAY and our Clients is strictly by SMS due to its secure and identifiable platform to the storer and the phone number on the contract. We do not use nor will accept any email correspondence as its not identifiable nor secure. If a phone conversation occurs between either parties a request will follow to SMS critical information in writing. All termination intent or verbal request to exit storage or leave will be accepted as termination and will require an SMS by either party to formalise. 8) BOOKING DEPOSIT / RENT - Booking deposit is paid upfront at time of booking to hold/reserve the storage for you in advance and BECOMES YOUR FIRST 4 WEEKS RENT on the day and time of entry once you sign the Storage Agreement Contract. By payment of the Holding Deposit Service Fees you agree to enter into a written contract that you are financially responsible for the storage and any damages either as contract Storer or financial delegate or both and are liable for any damages or losses during the storage period, and that you agree deposit only becomes rent if the Storage takes place on the original date and appointment time of entry or you can move dates with more than 48hrs notice from original entry date and time to an available date. lf the Storer does not turn up within 24hr of the original booked date and appointment time, or the Storer voluntarily cancels the booking, or you book and turn up without meeting the minimum storage requirements and the booking has to be cancelled, the holding fee minus the original quoted storage fee is forfeited and the remaining amount will be refunded. The quoted storage fees forfeited will be used to recoup lost storage fees from clients that were rejected because of your existing booking and or if the container has to be returned and the freight paid in advance on your behalf to allow you to store on our property. Minimum 4 week booking blocks. Storage fees are not refunded if you willingly exit storage early for whatever reason.*Refunded booking deposits can take a minimum of 3-10 business days to return to the account that you debited it from, dependant on your financial institution.
9) EQUIPMENT / STORAGE INSURANCE / LOCKS - All damages and losses are the responsibility of the Storer at retail replacement + labour cost to repair and or replace. All items, vehicles or articles of any sort stored here at our facility under storage agreement contract must be either registered and insured and or home contents insured before signing the Storage Agreement Contract at Storers own Risk. For Safety and Security of Contents, our Staff and Clients, only specific lock and keys sets allocated to you by us at beginning of Agreement can be utilised to lock storage containers during the storage period - All unauthorised locks or locking system found will be removed by us immediately and at Storers expense if specialised equipment or outside contractor assistance is required. 10) ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: (CONDITIONS OF ENTRY) ***ENCLOSED SHOES (FOOTWEAR) AT ALL TIMES*** and be fully clothed at all times during the storage period, using our facilities, at our yard, this includes helpers / workers? ENTRY - 8am-5pm, 7days a week except public holidays as per this website. DO DONT enter or remain on our property after hours as this beaches your Storage Agreement, Scenic Rim Council Mandated Business Operating Approvals, and will constitutes Trespass. CHILDREN - this facility is NOT a playground! Children must always remain either in a vehicle or with Storer, small children must have hand held at all times whilst out of a vehicle or walking through or in CSS Facility. ANIMALS - NO Animals in the facility grounds unless secured on or in a vehicle. SMOKING - VAPING - NO Smoking or vaping on the facility grounds or property. TOILET FACILITIES - Public Toilet are located off site across the pedestrian crossing from the facility in the Public Park and Playground 30m away. NON-PUBLIC ACCESS AREAS - public area is directly in front of the Warehouse into the Storage Container Area only, do not pass roped off or witches hat areas into Vehicle, Caravan or Heavy Vehicle Storage Area as this is a RESTRICTED NON-PUBLIC AREA and will constitute Trespass. BREACHES - It is the responsibility of the Storer to ensure all visitors and helpers that attend this Storage Facility with the Storer or on behalf absent of the Storer are always compliant to these requirements! All Violations of any of these Admin & Safety Rules will result in either a Written Warning or Termination of Storage Agreement Contract.
11) TERMINATION: - Must be formalised in writing by SMS only as per communication. As per signed Contract T&Cs, 14 days notice in writing by SMS is required to formalise an "Out of Contract" Exit or Cancellation of Agreement Contract as per the below agreement. Any expression of exit or attempted evasion of outstanding fees of full Contract Term, "In Contract", will result in double locked storage mediums with Termination Notification issued followed by an invoice for immediate payment of term owing. Outstanding charges for unpaid contract term need to be paid in full before access to exit will be granted. This requirement will be explained in detail to you at time of signing your "Storage Agreement Contract". We may terminate your contract at any time, without reason or for any Breach of Contract or Unacceptable Behaviour. 12) OUTSTANDING FEES / CHARGES / DEBT COLLECTION: - Outstanding Debt for storage fees, losses or damages - as per Storage Agreement, the Storer or Debit Card / Credit Card Holder is liable for all outstanding charges and fees as per the Storage Agreement including losses or damages at the Storers or Card Holders expense. Fees and charges that remain outstanding require payment within 24hrs, then any outstanding fee or charges will be invoiced on a 7 day invoice term attracting a $55.00 Administration Fee. Card Debit or Invoice Payment Failure will result in immediate legal financial recovery action after the required 7 days and then will be sent to DEBT Collection where we will add an additional Collection Lodgement Fee of $152.70 to your account before being sent to collection. The Collection Agency then add their 33% to your account and all recovery costs including but not limited to, interest and if necessary, Bailiffs and Court cost to recover the full amount. This is agreed to by you by entering into a contract by way of signing our "Storage Agreement Contract" by payment default, "National Collection Services" financial debt recovery initiated at Storer or Card Holders expense, including but not limited to recovery fees, collection fee, bailiff fees and Court Costs to recover all money owed. Note: After 1 months in payment arrears your storage unit or stored Item will be locked and restricted access to this facility and your belongings will occur until areas are paid in full. During this time you or anyone on your behalf are not to attend this storage facility unless making payment of arrears or you will be trespassing. Please see your copy of the "Storage Agreement" for further information on your obligations. 13) CLEANING - All Storage facilities used must be cleaned before exit including outside of lockers as directed by CHEAPaWAY Staff during entry and exit briefing on cleaning requirements. Failure to properly clean and return our facilities to original hired state will incur a general cleaning fee of $99 and a specialised cleaning and sanitation fee of $255 for Hazardous Materials or Enclosed Areas as required if not achieved to the standard in the opinion of CHEAPaWAY Staff.
14) EXITING - OPEN AREA / WAREHOUSE / CONTAINER STORAGE / BOXIT - All rubbish or remnants of stored Items including but not limited to oils, fuels that have leaked or leached onto or into the ground must be removed by exit date by the Storer or at the Storers expense. Drip Trays should be used during Storage if the threat of leakage may occur from stored articles. Storers are required to have ALL property removed by COB on the last day listed on Agreement or Item left behind will be removed and dumped at Stores expense. Storage charges are automatically charged and agreements extended automatically until 14days notice is given by either party as per your signed Storage Agreement Contract. Exiting, the Storer must be present at time of exit to either sign release condition report of assets or allow removalists or helpers to take contents of container is cleaned and no rubbish is left behind. WE WILL NOT RELEASE ANY ASSETS UNDER A STORAGE AGREEMENT TO ANY THIRD PARTY PERSON, REMOVALIST, TOWING COMPANY WITHOUT THE STORER NAMED ON THE STORAGE AGREEMENT PHYSICALLY PRESENT TO RELEASE ASSESTS OR HAND BACK CLEANED CONTAINERS AND SIGN RELEASE PAPERWORK AT TIME OF EXIT. 15) >>> ACCESS <<< OPTION 1 = OPEN AREA STORAGE TIMINGS ~ Restricted Non Public Area. ~ Staff Escort Mandatory at all times at discretion of staff. ~ Assets brought out into Public Retail Area. (by pre-arranged times by appointment, minimum 24hrs notice).~ Public Holidays - by pre-arranged times by appointment, minimum 24hrs notice. 16) >>> ACCESS <<< OPTION 2 = WAREHOUSE STORAGE TIMINGS (Restricted Access to Staff Only)~ Restricted Non Public Area. ~ Staff Escort Mandatory at all times at discretion of staff. ~ Assets brought out into Public Retail Area. (by pre-arranged times by appointment, minimum 24hrs notice). ~ Public Holidays - by pre-arranged times by appointment, minimum 24hrs notice. 17) >>> ACCESS <<< OPT3 + 4 = SHIPPING CONTAINER STORAGE TIMINGS~ 7 Days = 8am-5pm with your Own Locks (Our Locks = 9am - 10am & 3pm - 4pm or by pre-arranged times by appointment minimum 24hrs notice).~ Public Holidays - by pre-arranged times by appointment. 18) >>> ACCESS <<< OPT5 = BOXIT STORAGE TIMINGS (Restricted Access to Staff Only)~ 7 Days = Stored Item brought out to you = 9am - 10am & 3pm - 4pm (or by pre-arranged times by appointment minimum 24hrs notice).~ Public Holidays - by pre-arranged times by appointment minimum 24hrs notice = Stored Item brought out to you. 19) OPTION 5 = BOX-IT = Pallet Box Storage = (1m3) We simply give you a 1m3 Pallet Box to fill onsite or take home, fill and return on your vehicle or one of our trailer* then return it to us to be stored in a locked shipping container. Storers have restricted access to the shipping container where your BOX-IT boxes are stored due to other clients personal BOX-IT boxes also stored in these shipping containers. Once locked away a minimum of 24hrs notice during business hours and arranged by appointment to have your boxes brought out for your access to add to or unload out of. Pallet boxes at all times remain the property of CHEAPaWAY Self Storage and must be returned to premises after emptying or filling. *Trailer hire is available at standard trailer hire rates. All items stored on CHEAPaWAY property must be insured or stored at owners risk subject to the conditions of your signed Store Agreement Contract below.
20) ALL STORAGE is at CHEAPaWAY STORAGE at 38 Queen St, Harrisville 4307 25min from Yamanto (Ipswich) off the Cunningham Hwy. 21) LIKE FOR LIKE STORAGE AND MOVING OF STORAGE MEDIUMS - We reserve the right to move stored items (vehicles, machinery, etc) into like for like environments and security, ie. A client wants to change from accessible high use storage to long term rarely accessed storage as they are going overseas and their car | boat | bike etc is stored in our warehouse and we may move it from a high movement area to a shipping container for long term storage. Or if we run out of workable space shipping container maybe utilised. We may in the future be require to move containers in our yard, or offsite to our other yards and properties, as space permits or for accessibility, access, egress of the yards. All stored items must be secured / securely packed or tired down, or in boxes or containers to avoid damage or breakage whilst moving or in transit. 22) ABUSE POLICY = ZERO TOLERANCE to Verbal and Physical Abuse - Due to the current demanding and stressful covid times there has been an increase of verbal and physical abuse to our staff that will no longer be tolerated. You as a client expect to be treated with respect and dignity without abusive or aggressive behaviour as do our staff. If you do not follow direction either verbal or written and dont read something, make a mistake, are late returning hire equipment, or you break, damage or lose something = "OWN IT".... be mad at yourself after you leave, do not take it out on our staff at our yard or on the phone. By entering into this written contract by making a “Booking Deposit Payment” or signing the “Storage Agreement Contract” you agree you're are aware of this Policy and if you become abusive, aggressive and or disrespectful or raise your voice where our staff feel uncomfortable in any way, you are in "Major Breach of Contract". As per our "Privacy Policy" webpage all phone conversations are recorded and our yard has CCTV recording 8am-5pm and our staff may wear body cameras within this Policy. and anyone with you will be told to leave the property immediately and if necessary QPS will be called.Normal "Client Cancellation Policies" will apply to booking clients and take affect where your booking will be cancelled, your hire fees will be forfeited from you bond and the remainder refunded back to you. For clients after Hire Return of equipment becoming abusive or aggressive will simply lose your bond entirely for "Major Breach of Contract". If you do not agree with this policy no hire can take place and for any clarification of this Abuse Policy please direct enquiries to management in writing before commencing any booking processes or signing any contract or hiring any equipment. ( *Rates can change at any time without notice, please check website for up to date costing and terms and condition of Storage.
3) ID - DRIVERS LICENCE and CREDIT (or DEBIT) CARD are mandatory for Storage Agreement and both physical cards and the owners of both cards (or authorised signatory of a business or corporate card) must be present to sign at commencement of entering into a storage agreement. Clear proof of identity and current AUST. Residential address must be established before any Storage arrangement can take place. This is for the safety and security of our staff when you attend our address to Store your equipment and it is also required for ID for the "Storage Agreement Contract". 4) STORER's BOOKING REQUIRMENTS:a) "MINIMUM & MANDATORY" - A “PHYSICAL” (not digital) Drivers License (DL) or Proof of Age Card (POA) and a Credit or Debit Card (CC/DC) are mandatory for the Self Storage Agreement for insurance and contractual reasons, both physical cards and the owners of those DL - POA and CC/DC (or authorised signatory of a business or corporate card) must be physically present to sign the Self Storage Agreement at the booked Self Storage entry Appointment time as agreed. b) The Storer requires clear proof of QLD permanent residency. c) The "Storer", must initiate and finalise the booking themselves as the person storing, they must have their own personal phone number and mobile phone that is capable of sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages to complete our booking process that is done only by sms, and must be contactable during the whole storage period? d) The Storer must be capable of READING and UNDERSTANDING the SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS and their CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS at T&Cs link below, and agrees to obtain PPE before entry and wear as required, including ENCLOSED SHOES or BOOTS and be fully clothed at all times during the storage period, using our facilities, at our yard, this includes helpers / workers? e) Hirer must be able to read and understand English and disseminate contractual information themselves. All learning, comprehension and reading difficulties must be declared at beginning of hire booking? Thankyou. f) To Hire/Drive/Operate our Equipment you must have ZERO ALCOHOL OR ILLEGAL DRUGS in your system that will impede your ability to always operate the equipment safely during the hire. We reserve the right to request "Breath Test or Drug Test" before you take possession of hired Equipment if our staff suspect use. g) Acknowledge that ALL HIRES ARE DONE STRICTLY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY and ALL timings give in sms are APPOINTMENT TIMES you must be capable of meeting! h) Preferred pickup and return timings are between 8am-9am and 4pm-5pm daily. 5) FEES / CHARGES - for current pricing, please call us from "Contacts" page on the menu bar. This website is the master site for costing of fees and charges, other ads prices may differ but this sites costing overrules other ads and sites. Storage Fees and charge can change without notice at any time depending on local competitors storage prices. Credit Card transaction incur a 2.4% credit card fee on the total amount charged. If booking in advance and a Booking Deposit is paid this becomes your Bonds on entry and signing Agreement. The Bonds are refunded only if the Storage takes place on the original date and appointment time of entry or you can move dates with more than 48 hrs notice from original Storage date and time to an available date. If you do not turn up on the original booked date and appointment time or the booking is cancelled, the booking fee minus the original quoted Storage fee is forfeited and the remaining amount will be refunded. The quoted Storage fees forfeited will be used to recoup lost Storage due to your late cancellation fees from clients that were rejected because of your existing booking. Storage fees are not refunded if you willingly exit storage early for whatever reason before end of month or contract term. * Payment by CARD for Storage Fees and or Booking Deposit, then continued 4 weekly is debited from Credit or Debit Card preferred, fees apply. * Storage Fees are paid in advance as a booking deposit (initially 4wks rent in advance).* Access is 8am to 5pm 7 Days in Container Storage. 8am to 5pm weekdays by appointment for Warehouse Storage and Open Area Storage Areas. * Termination of Storage Contract Agreements (23) - If the Storer gives notice, or intent to vacate, or breaches contract and is given termination, all outstanding fees and charges will be required to be paid upfront before access to stored goods will be given. If risk of unauthorised entry and deliberate avoidance of payment is believed by the FO the storage access to goods will be restricted and locked if necessary to avoid default or fee evasions per "Termination" below. * There is no provision for refund for early exit or if you give notice to exit or your contract is terminated by us as discussed at signing of Storage agreement. All containers are leased in by us and if your a week into your 4 weekly payment cycle when you exit you wont receive the remaining 3 weeks refunded as the container lease payment we make to a 3rd party container leasing company are not refunded back to us... 6) *DISCOUNTS = 10% Off* RACQ Members - 10% Off* Defence ADF / Emergency Services. *Off Regular Rates only, not including any other discount or specials. *To receive and be eligible to receive discount, storer must inform staff at beginning of booking process for eligibility check, and at pickup when signing Storage Agreement Contracts, must produce "physical evidence" of a valid Membership or valid Official Government ID Cards. (Emergency Service - QPS, QAS, QFS, RFS, SES) 7) CORRESPONDENCE & COMMUNICATION: - All communication between CHEAPaWAY and our Clients is strictly by SMS due to its secure and identifiable platform to the storer and the phone number on the contract. We do not use nor will accept any email correspondence as its not identifiable nor secure. If a phone conversation occurs between either parties a request will follow to SMS critical information in writing. All termination intent or verbal request to exit storage or leave will be accepted as termination and will require an SMS by either party to formalise. 8) BOOKING DEPOSIT / RENT - Booking deposit is paid upfront at time of booking to hold/reserve the storage for you in advance and BECOMES YOUR FIRST 4 WEEKS RENT on the day and time of entry once you sign the Storage Agreement Contract. By payment of the Holding Deposit Service Fees you agree to enter into a written contract that you are financially responsible for the storage and any damages either as contract Storer or financial delegate or both and are liable for any damages or losses during the storage period, and that you agree deposit only becomes rent if the Storage takes place on the original date and appointment time of entry or you can move dates with more than 48hrs notice from original entry date and time to an available date. lf the Storer does not turn up within 24hr of the original booked date and appointment time, or the Storer voluntarily cancels the booking, or you book and turn up without meeting the minimum storage requirements and the booking has to be cancelled, the holding fee minus the original quoted storage fee is forfeited and the remaining amount will be refunded. The quoted storage fees forfeited will be used to recoup lost storage fees from clients that were rejected because of your existing booking and or if the container has to be returned and the freight paid in advance on your behalf to allow you to store on our property. Minimum 4 week booking blocks. Storage fees are not refunded if you willingly exit storage early for whatever reason.*Refunded booking deposits can take a minimum of 3-10 business days to return to the account that you debited it from, dependant on your financial institution.
9) EQUIPMENT / STORAGE INSURANCE / LOCKS - All damages and losses are the responsibility of the Storer at retail replacement + labour cost to repair and or replace. All items, vehicles or articles of any sort stored here at our facility under storage agreement contract must be either registered and insured and or home contents insured before signing the Storage Agreement Contract at Storers own Risk. For Safety and Security of Contents, our Staff and Clients, only specific lock and keys sets allocated to you by us at beginning of Agreement can be utilised to lock storage containers during the storage period - All unauthorised locks or locking system found will be removed by us immediately and at Storers expense if specialised equipment or outside contractor assistance is required. 10) ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: (CONDITIONS OF ENTRY) ***ENCLOSED SHOES (FOOTWEAR) AT ALL TIMES*** and be fully clothed at all times during the storage period, using our facilities, at our yard, this includes helpers / workers? ENTRY - 8am-5pm, 7days a week except public holidays as per this website. DO DONT enter or remain on our property after hours as this beaches your Storage Agreement, Scenic Rim Council Mandated Business Operating Approvals, and will constitutes Trespass. CHILDREN - this facility is NOT a playground! Children must always remain either in a vehicle or with Storer, small children must have hand held at all times whilst out of a vehicle or walking through or in CSS Facility. ANIMALS - NO Animals in the facility grounds unless secured on or in a vehicle. SMOKING - VAPING - NO Smoking or vaping on the facility grounds or property. TOILET FACILITIES - Public Toilet are located off site across the pedestrian crossing from the facility in the Public Park and Playground 30m away. NON-PUBLIC ACCESS AREAS - public area is directly in front of the Warehouse into the Storage Container Area only, do not pass roped off or witches hat areas into Vehicle, Caravan or Heavy Vehicle Storage Area as this is a RESTRICTED NON-PUBLIC AREA and will constitute Trespass. BREACHES - It is the responsibility of the Storer to ensure all visitors and helpers that attend this Storage Facility with the Storer or on behalf absent of the Storer are always compliant to these requirements! All Violations of any of these Admin & Safety Rules will result in either a Written Warning or Termination of Storage Agreement Contract.
11) TERMINATION: - Must be formalised in writing by SMS only as per communication. As per signed Contract T&Cs, 14 days notice in writing by SMS is required to formalise an "Out of Contract" Exit or Cancellation of Agreement Contract as per the below agreement. Any expression of exit or attempted evasion of outstanding fees of full Contract Term, "In Contract", will result in double locked storage mediums with Termination Notification issued followed by an invoice for immediate payment of term owing. Outstanding charges for unpaid contract term need to be paid in full before access to exit will be granted. This requirement will be explained in detail to you at time of signing your "Storage Agreement Contract". We may terminate your contract at any time, without reason or for any Breach of Contract or Unacceptable Behaviour. 12) OUTSTANDING FEES / CHARGES / DEBT COLLECTION: - Outstanding Debt for storage fees, losses or damages - as per Storage Agreement, the Storer or Debit Card / Credit Card Holder is liable for all outstanding charges and fees as per the Storage Agreement including losses or damages at the Storers or Card Holders expense. Fees and charges that remain outstanding require payment within 24hrs, then any outstanding fee or charges will be invoiced on a 7 day invoice term attracting a $55.00 Administration Fee. Card Debit or Invoice Payment Failure will result in immediate legal financial recovery action after the required 7 days and then will be sent to DEBT Collection where we will add an additional Collection Lodgement Fee of $152.70 to your account before being sent to collection. The Collection Agency then add their 33% to your account and all recovery costs including but not limited to, interest and if necessary, Bailiffs and Court cost to recover the full amount. This is agreed to by you by entering into a contract by way of signing our "Storage Agreement Contract" by payment default, "National Collection Services" financial debt recovery initiated at Storer or Card Holders expense, including but not limited to recovery fees, collection fee, bailiff fees and Court Costs to recover all money owed. Note: After 1 months in payment arrears your storage unit or stored Item will be locked and restricted access to this facility and your belongings will occur until areas are paid in full. During this time you or anyone on your behalf are not to attend this storage facility unless making payment of arrears or you will be trespassing. Please see your copy of the "Storage Agreement" for further information on your obligations. 13) CLEANING - All Storage facilities used must be cleaned before exit including outside of lockers as directed by CHEAPaWAY Staff during entry and exit briefing on cleaning requirements. Failure to properly clean and return our facilities to original hired state will incur a general cleaning fee of $99 and a specialised cleaning and sanitation fee of $255 for Hazardous Materials or Enclosed Areas as required if not achieved to the standard in the opinion of CHEAPaWAY Staff.
14) EXITING - OPEN AREA / WAREHOUSE / CONTAINER STORAGE / BOXIT - All rubbish or remnants of stored Items including but not limited to oils, fuels that have leaked or leached onto or into the ground must be removed by exit date by the Storer or at the Storers expense. Drip Trays should be used during Storage if the threat of leakage may occur from stored articles. Storers are required to have ALL property removed by COB on the last day listed on Agreement or Item left behind will be removed and dumped at Stores expense. Storage charges are automatically charged and agreements extended automatically until 14days notice is given by either party as per your signed Storage Agreement Contract. Exiting, the Storer must be present at time of exit to either sign release condition report of assets or allow removalists or helpers to take contents of container is cleaned and no rubbish is left behind. WE WILL NOT RELEASE ANY ASSETS UNDER A STORAGE AGREEMENT TO ANY THIRD PARTY PERSON, REMOVALIST, TOWING COMPANY WITHOUT THE STORER NAMED ON THE STORAGE AGREEMENT PHYSICALLY PRESENT TO RELEASE ASSESTS OR HAND BACK CLEANED CONTAINERS AND SIGN RELEASE PAPERWORK AT TIME OF EXIT. 15) >>> ACCESS <<< OPTION 1 = OPEN AREA STORAGE TIMINGS ~ Restricted Non Public Area. ~ Staff Escort Mandatory at all times at discretion of staff. ~ Assets brought out into Public Retail Area. (by pre-arranged times by appointment, minimum 24hrs notice).~ Public Holidays - by pre-arranged times by appointment, minimum 24hrs notice. 16) >>> ACCESS <<< OPTION 2 = WAREHOUSE STORAGE TIMINGS (Restricted Access to Staff Only)~ Restricted Non Public Area. ~ Staff Escort Mandatory at all times at discretion of staff. ~ Assets brought out into Public Retail Area. (by pre-arranged times by appointment, minimum 24hrs notice). ~ Public Holidays - by pre-arranged times by appointment, minimum 24hrs notice. 17) >>> ACCESS <<< OPT3 + 4 = SHIPPING CONTAINER STORAGE TIMINGS~ 7 Days = 8am-5pm with your Own Locks (Our Locks = 9am - 10am & 3pm - 4pm or by pre-arranged times by appointment minimum 24hrs notice).~ Public Holidays - by pre-arranged times by appointment. 18) >>> ACCESS <<< OPT5 = BOXIT STORAGE TIMINGS (Restricted Access to Staff Only)~ 7 Days = Stored Item brought out to you = 9am - 10am & 3pm - 4pm (or by pre-arranged times by appointment minimum 24hrs notice).~ Public Holidays - by pre-arranged times by appointment minimum 24hrs notice = Stored Item brought out to you. 19) OPTION 5 = BOX-IT = Pallet Box Storage = (1m3) We simply give you a 1m3 Pallet Box to fill onsite or take home, fill and return on your vehicle or one of our trailer* then return it to us to be stored in a locked shipping container. Storers have restricted access to the shipping container where your BOX-IT boxes are stored due to other clients personal BOX-IT boxes also stored in these shipping containers. Once locked away a minimum of 24hrs notice during business hours and arranged by appointment to have your boxes brought out for your access to add to or unload out of. Pallet boxes at all times remain the property of CHEAPaWAY Self Storage and must be returned to premises after emptying or filling. *Trailer hire is available at standard trailer hire rates. All items stored on CHEAPaWAY property must be insured or stored at owners risk subject to the conditions of your signed Store Agreement Contract below.
20) ALL STORAGE is at CHEAPaWAY STORAGE at 38 Queen St, Harrisville 4307 25min from Yamanto (Ipswich) off the Cunningham Hwy. 21) LIKE FOR LIKE STORAGE AND MOVING OF STORAGE MEDIUMS - We reserve the right to move stored items (vehicles, machinery, etc) into like for like environments and security, ie. A client wants to change from accessible high use storage to long term rarely accessed storage as they are going overseas and their car | boat | bike etc is stored in our warehouse and we may move it from a high movement area to a shipping container for long term storage. Or if we run out of workable space shipping container maybe utilised. We may in the future be require to move containers in our yard, or offsite to our other yards and properties, as space permits or for accessibility, access, egress of the yards. All stored items must be secured / securely packed or tired down, or in boxes or containers to avoid damage or breakage whilst moving or in transit. 22) ABUSE POLICY = ZERO TOLERANCE to Verbal and Physical Abuse - Due to the current demanding and stressful covid times there has been an increase of verbal and physical abuse to our staff that will no longer be tolerated. You as a client expect to be treated with respect and dignity without abusive or aggressive behaviour as do our staff. If you do not follow direction either verbal or written and dont read something, make a mistake, are late returning hire equipment, or you break, damage or lose something = "OWN IT".... be mad at yourself after you leave, do not take it out on our staff at our yard or on the phone. By entering into this written contract by making a “Booking Deposit Payment” or signing the “Storage Agreement Contract” you agree you're are aware of this Policy and if you become abusive, aggressive and or disrespectful or raise your voice where our staff feel uncomfortable in any way, you are in "Major Breach of Contract". As per our "Privacy Policy" webpage all phone conversations are recorded and our yard has CCTV recording 8am-5pm and our staff may wear body cameras within this Policy. and anyone with you will be told to leave the property immediately and if necessary QPS will be called.Normal "Client Cancellation Policies" will apply to booking clients and take affect where your booking will be cancelled, your hire fees will be forfeited from you bond and the remainder refunded back to you. For clients after Hire Return of equipment becoming abusive or aggressive will simply lose your bond entirely for "Major Breach of Contract". If you do not agree with this policy no hire can take place and for any clarification of this Abuse Policy please direct enquiries to management in writing before commencing any booking processes or signing any contract or hiring any equipment. ( *Rates can change at any time without notice, please check website for up to date costing and terms and condition of Storage.
Double Click on attachments below for full details on the current "STORAGE AGREEMENT" and additional "Terms and Conditions of Hire" as set out in the contract.
* Download Contract Version T&Cs may not be exact copy to the working copy if changes or updates are in progress. Please ask if in doubt.
*Payments / Surcharges / GST:*All prices INCLUDE GST.*Payment is to be made at time of commencement of lease by Debit or Credit Card via "Square POS" mobile eftpos app.(2.4% TAP or Manual Card Entry or Recurring Debt Surcharge on "Square POS).
About Us
We are owned and operated by a family of seven. We provide professional services such as Truck Dry Hire, Motorhome Hire, Trailer Hire, Coldroom Hire, Spit Roast Hire, PA / Karaoke Music Systems and DINGO Dry Hire.
We provide quality equipment and guarantee our services to be fast, efficient, and hassle free.
With over a combined 35 years government and private sector experience in HR, Supply and Logistic Management, we strive to put the same professionalism into all the services we provide and contract to you.
Our Management and Staff have decades of combined experience in business and trade expertise, and we guarantee the Hire Services we provide to you.
We are happy to assist you with any advice or queries with our contact details listed on the contacts page.
We provide quality equipment and guarantee our services to be fast, efficient, and hassle free.
With over a combined 35 years government and private sector experience in HR, Supply and Logistic Management, we strive to put the same professionalism into all the services we provide and contract to you.
Our Management and Staff have decades of combined experience in business and trade expertise, and we guarantee the Hire Services we provide to you.
We are happy to assist you with any advice or queries with our contact details listed on the contacts page.
Contact Details
E: 0438 382 666